Ophelia - Hybrid Tea Rose

Creator: W. Paul, England, 1912
Flowers: 10 cm
Height: 1m

This rose is still a big favorite in many catalogs: their flowers are fragrant with broad petals, well formed, medium sized, reminding us of our childhood and bringing us memories of happy days at spring. The flowers are pale pink color, with shades of yellow at the base of the petals
They appear in large numbers, usually solitary, sometimes in groups of two to five. The plant is erect and has glossy green foliage, thus having a delicate and refined port. Can be easily attacked by the black spot, reason why it is advisable, to do a preventative treatment against aphid at the beginning of summer. The origin of this rose is unknown but the fact is that a mutation led to important "Madame Butterfly" created by Hill in 1918, in the US.
William Paul, decided to christen this beautiful rose with the name of the unfortunate character in Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet. Hamlet judging that he was killing the King, kills Polonius, Ophelia's father. Grief and despair made him lose his mind and ends up unhappy, whereas the lady drowns in the riverbanks where he used to pick up flowers.