Baltimore Belle - Hybrid Setigera Rose
Creator: Feast, US, 1843
Origem: “Setigera Rose” x “a Noisette Rose”
Flowers: 4 cm
Height: 4 m

According to the chronicles of that time, the "beautiful" Baltimore was the single daughter of an important shipping man from this port city. Being very beautiful and cultured, she won the heart of Napoleon's brother Jerome, to whom she married despite the opposition of the powerful Emperor. After a few months of marriage, Jerome divorced his beautiful wife and returned to France to marry Catherine of Württemberg and ultimately become King of Westphalia.
Baltimore Belle rose presents the healthy and shiny foliage of the "setigeras”, where the semi folded flowers, light rose-colored fading into white, appear in groups.
In spite of having a fast and robust plant growth, the flowering take a bit longer and it blooms only once.