New Dawn - Hybrid Wichurana Rose

Creator: Dreer, US, 1930
Origin: Mutation of “Dr. W. Van Fleet
Flowers: 7 cm
Height: 4 m

This rose was the first to be registered in the official records book and is currently one of the most cultivated worldwide. Its flowers are delicate, disposing of a beautiful shape and subtle colors, pink with white coral reflexes, rivaling those of Dr. Van Fleet ", and as this is a vigorous rose, it endures the cold quite well. The big difference lies in its remnant character. The modern climbing roses owe much to the New Dawn.
The crossing with the Hybrid Tea, conveyed them the flowering capacity and the resistance to adverse climates.
Eugene Broener, who worked for “Jackson & Perkins”, obtained remarkable results from the "New Dawn": the unforgettable and popular "Aloha," "Coral Dawn," "Parade" and Pink Cloud.